Sunday, June 24, 2007

Netbeans Does Not Use Grizzly Yet

Its a bit sad to figure out that does not use Grizzly!
Now if you are wondering what all this is all about? Let me clear the bytes for you. Netbeans is the Sun's flagship IDE. Competing directly with Eclipse. Grizzly is the NIO framework within Glassfish. It has been proven within Sun, that Apache does not scale beyond 4 cores, whereas Glassfish with Grizzly technology scales well beyond.

However I figured out that Netbeans uses the old technology circa 1999. where Apache sat in front and connected to Tomcat or any other Java Server using AJP (Apache Java Protocol)

Don't ask me how I figured out that uses Apache 2.0.50 (as of 24 June 2007) as HTTP server.

I would like to appeal to Netbeans admin to seriously consider using Glassfish.

Jetty 6 , which also uses NIO, run their web site on Jetty itself! That's what I call confidence!