Thursday, July 05, 2007

Google turns into VC

Google ventures are providing seed capital to those who wish to startup a business around Google Gadgets.

So go have a cuppa Coffee and enjoy make some gadgets and hopefully tons of money along the way :)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Mashup Server in Java

Now that Google and Yahoo are head-on with their versions of mashup server, what if you want to own one yourself?

Well you could do it in Java. Well you could use the Sun open source lib. for mashup., check out the project Rome. If you are into Apache Axis2, then you could do with WSo2 mashup, which uses apache technologies.

A good startup tutorial could be found here, but i am not too happy with the code quality as there is a lot of scope for enhancements. Never-the-less, it will get you up to speed.

Happy coding :)

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Intellectual Capital 2

Today Mint featured a story about NASCOM celebrating India's 1.6 million software programmers achieving a turnover of US$50 billion, that is 5.2% of India's GDP.
However I believe that only Infosys could have achieved this figure, see ERP for SME: Intellectual Capital.

Thus the average Intellectual Capital of an Indian programmer (or Intellectual per Capita) is US$ 31K.

The Intellectual Capita of Apple is US$ 1million, so even if 10% of the Indian programmers have that Intellectual capita the figure will add a cool $160 billion to the GDP.

But unfortunately the NASCOM only aims for US$ 60 billion by 2010.

I think we need to become more ambitious as a country. Come on guys we can do it!